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Mood Swings & Hallucinations: Am I Schizophrenic?

14 March, 2017
Q I have serious delusions. Every minute I’m convinced that I have a life threatening illness. I have had serious hallucinations for the past few years about people who are trying to kill me. I jump to different trains of thought mid-sentence quite often, and I change subject, leaving the other person wondering what the first one was about, which is very irritable. My moods are extremely spontaneous, compulsions have become slightly harder to resist, and there is sometimes certain patterns that I must have in the right order. I constantly rock back and forth until I’ll just stop and be completely still for hours. I tend to get anxiety. I know some of this sounds like an obsessive compulsive disorder but it is definitely not OCD. I just want to know what I should do. Is this Schizophrenia?



As-Salamu ‘Alaikum,

Thank you for placing your trust in our ability to propose a solution to your question.

I strongly believe that you should visit a general practitioner as soon as possible when you feel any sort of discomfort physically or psychologically. Although as counselors we can propose a solution, we do not have access to the full picture. A well-studied doctor would be a better professional to seek assistance and a diagnosis from. To get you diagnosed, the general practitioner will run you through a series of tests to rule out other causes of the symptoms.

However, given the symptoms, it is not necessary that the symptoms you described are a manifestation of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder. It is often described as a disorder with missing links as there is not a definite explanation for its cause or the physiology behind its occurrence. However, it is the result of a disturbed brain chemistry. The most troubled symptom of this illness is social withdrawal and disturbed thinking, as well as unexplained changes in behavior. Many individuals have psychotic experiences which are outside of reality and can be considered unreal thinking. There could be various episodes of such behavior or just one in a life time. However, with appropriate medication, social support and therapy, schizophrenic individuals can lead a normal life.

Nonetheless, the symptoms that you described can be a result of exposure to various stimuli which lead to overactive imaginations and, hence, anxiety. Avoiding such stimuli and keeping the mind and body busy will usually eliminate the symptoms. Your symptoms of rocking back and forth and engaging in conversations without completing them is also a sign of adverse anxiety.

For instance, it is quite common for those who are anxious to believe that whatever disease or illness symptoms they ever hear of may happen to them. This is not always the case. The mind sometimes needs distraction from a certain recurring train of thought to relax itself.

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Evaluate your stimuli and address the cause of the problem.

For instance, are you constantly around sick individuals, or watch television shows which show such conditions and situations? If so, anxiety can arise and psychologically impact an individual by such exposure. The same can be applied to your hallucinations of being chased and killed. Are you wasting a lot time watching movies which have such themes? Or reading psychological thrillers, or spending time conversing about such topics?

According to some psychologists, constant exposure to negative and violent media may have serious and long-lasting psychological effects. These effects continue beyond simple feelings of negativity or displeasure. A British psychologist Dr. Graham Davey, who specializes in the psychological effects of media violence, concluded that violent media exposure can worsen or contribute to the development of stress, anxiety, depression and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Therefore, anxiety is most often the result of the circumstances and the conditions that surrounds individuals. To overcome episodes of anxiety, overthinking and dwelling on stressful thoughts for longer than usual should be avoided. Remember, 99% of things we worry about never happen! Most of the things we run away from are in our head, not reality!

Sometimes, to cure adverse anxiety, you need to practice meditation, relaxation, and follow a tight schedule such that you leave no time for unnecessarily stressing thoughts. Rather than dwelling on your stressful thoughts, transfer your attention and invest time in productive activity. Stress and anxiety and many health issues can be avoided by adhering to a healthy lifestyle. Simple changes can go a long way.

  1. Eat healthy-avoid junk food and focus on fruits and vegetables.
  2. Work out at least 20 minutes/day.
  3. Practice good sleeping habits.
  4. Meditate, and relax often.

Most importantly, anxiety and stressful thoughts can be avoided by having a full trust in Allah (swt). Not once did Allah (swt) mention in the Quran that humans should stress and worry. Patience is the best quality of not just a believer, but any individual. One of the most important lesson which can be learned from the Prophets of Islam is their steadfast and unwavering trust in Allah (swt). Ibrahim’s (as) true trust in Allah (swt) saved him from the fire and Yunus’ (as) true trust in Allah (swt) saved him from the pangs of death in a whale’s stomach. Even in the face of death, these prophets’ did not lose trust.

In the Quran, Allah (swt) says,

“Allah is sufficient for us.” (3:173)

This is a clear indication that no amount of worrying or stressing will positively impact us or change situations. Only placing our full trust in him will provide a way out for all that we worry.

However, for your reference, here is a complete and thorough list of the symptoms of a schizophrenic patient.

I hope my answer will benefit you and make you feel more hopeful of the future and will encourage you to strive for the best, and overcome your past habits. I wish you all the best, and may Allah (swt) ease all your affairs.



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About Madiha Sadaf
Madiha Sadaf in an undergraduate student at the University of Ottawa, enrolled in BSc. with Major in Biology and Psychology with Minor in Health Social Sciences.