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Dreaming About Death Scares Me

30 September, 2017
Q As-Salamu Alaikum. One day, I felt so stressful about how to please the people around me. At night I had a nightmare related to death which caused me to have panic disorder. However, it lasted for a month. Then recently, I had another bad dream in which everything was black and voices were saying that something is due next month. Since then I feel miserable, and the more I try to interpret my dream, the more bad feelings are coming to me. I think my fear is too excessive. Is this bad dream from Satan?



Wa ‘Alaykum Sister,

Do not fear this dream. People dream about death often, and r,  Often a person is in some kind of transition in her life and one thing may come to an end so that the individual can move forward to the next. Our lives can be like chapters in a book or episodes in a movie. We grow through stages and change our time; we change careers, move away from home, complete school, and overcome certain problems or dilemmas leading to new opportunities or chapters in our lies.

Sometimes, when we dream about death, something inside us is trying to tell us that it is time to let something go; “let it die”. This way, we can be available to the new that Allah wants to bring us into our lives. If your dream is telling you that something is “due” next month, look into your current life situation and see if you are planning on something to happen around that time.

There is nothing to panic about. Worry, fear, and panic will only confuse the message of the dream. It is likely a very good dream that is helping you to process some kind of change that will have a profound impact on you in some way. It is also possible that you are working through an emotional or psychological issue that you are struggling with.  Or, you might be working through feelings of loss. Dreams are often the vehicle through which the mind heals us. Your post does not provide the actual contents of the dream, so I cannot really comment on much more, other than it is a dream about change and possible guiding you to focus on something that might be happening soon as such an event or change will have a transformative effect on you.

What did stand out to me was that you had feelings of panic and you were worried about pleasing people. It is possible that your dream is telling you to shift your focus and take care of yourself. Not because you are at risk of death, but rather, because you need to let those old habits die; the habits of thinking and behaving that are barriers to your making progress in your own personal growth and finding peace within yourself. It is possible that you are unconsciously aware that you must make some changes and build healthy boundaries, and that this may lead to a whole new way of living. If this is the case, the black may symbolize the idea that you are about to go forward into the unknown as you begin to make the changes that you know you have to make. Perhaps, if you develop healthy boundaries, you will lose some relationships that are not good for you. This would even be a type of “death”, but in a good way.

When we have vivid dreams that we recollect and that have a great impact on us, it is good to write them down in detail. Write the events, the people, the problem (if any), the colors, the location, day or night, etc. Many dreams have an enormous amount of symbols that can help us decode the message that our subconscious has for us. Consider keeping track of your dreams for a while and see if continued dreams provide you with more clarity. Another practice is to ask the “dream question” before going to bed. Ask Allah to reveal to you what this dream was trying to tell you. You can use the dream question approach when you want to work on different issues or are engaging in self-exploration. When you become tuned into your dream life and you get into the habit of asking the dream questions, you may find that your questions are answered through rich symbols within your dreams.

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It is likely that the reason you experienced this dream as a nightmares, instead of a guidance dream or even a good dream, is because you have a mental habit of thinking worry thoughts which lead to excessive anxiety. It is likely that you experience anxiety prior to changes, when anticipating change, or when you realize that you need to make changes. This dream is not from Shaytan. It is from your unconscious telling you that some kind of change is either about to happen or you need to make some changes. The panic is about the anxiety that you have related to change. It might be helpful if you see a therapist to work through general anxiety overall. This may even be part of the change that you are being tasked by your unconscious to make; for thought.



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About Maryam Bachmeier
Dr. Bachmeier is a clinical psychologist who has been working in the mental health field for over 15 years. She is also a former adjunct professor at Argosy University, writer, and consultant in the areas of mental health, cultural, and relationship issues.