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Just Married: How to Attract My Husband

20 February, 2017
Q As salamu alaykum. I got married 2 months ago, and I don’t know what to do or how to behave with my husband. I’m very emotional and sensitive. My husband tells me that I’m too childish. I want to know how to attract my husband so that he will just think of me and be mine so that he will know my importance and love me a lot.



Salam ‘Aleikom,

It appears that you have an ongoing anxiety about your status as a wife. From what you are saying, you are clearly insecure in your marriage which makes me wonder what has led to the insecurity. Is it your husband’s perception of you that is the problem or your own perception of what he thinks of you?

Being emotional and sensitive is not a flaw, but the extent we let that side of ourselves affect us may determine how we react to situations. By that I mean that in any given situation we can choose our reactions to be either positive, negative, or even neutral.

Whenever you become emotional, it might help not to react in the moment, but delay yourself by distracting your mind with something else. When you are feeling calmer, try to analyze the issue logically, and you will find the outcome is likely to be more positive. I don’t know how true it is that your husband does not love you enough because I only have your point of view, but ultimately this issue causes you unhappiness and, therefore, needs addressing.

The first point is, you are already his wife, so if you want to define him as yours and you his, well, he is already yours. Secondly, you got married only a short while ago, and it is only natural that you are both going to have some adjustments to make. It may well be that you are trying too hard to create the perfect love story that it irritates your husband.

Without having a full background to your story, I would recommend that you try to relax more. Focus on the positive aspects of your life and the positive parts of your relationship, and don’t try too hard to be the perfect wife. Your relationship is still evolving and this is only the beginning of a lifelong journey, in sha’ Allah. Be kinder to yourself, and work on improving your confidence by looking at the good aspects of yourself and the mercies on your life.

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May Allah (swt) help you,


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About Abdul-Lateef Abdullah
Abdul-Lateef Abdullah, an American convert to Islam, obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Political Science & Economics at the University of Delaware, his Master’s degree in Social Work from Columbia University, and recently completed his Ph.D. from the Institute for Community & Peace Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, in the field of Youth Studies. He has worked as a Program Assistant for the Academy for Educational Development (Washington, D.C.); a Social Worker at the Montefiore Medical Center (Bronx, New York); and the Director of Documentation and Evaluation at Community IMPACT! (Washington, D.C.). He has also worked with the the Taqwa Gayong Academy (New Jersey, U.S.A./Penang, Malaysia) for troubled youth, both Muslim and non-Muslim. As a recent (1999) convert to Islam, he spends much time writing about his experiences as a Muslim-American convert.