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On Marriage, Sex, Divorce and Abortion

23 November, 2016
Q What are the general Islamic views towards marriage, sex, divorce and abortion? Thank you.


Salam (Peace) Dear Marina,

Thank you for your question and for contacting Ask About Islam.

The primary sources of Islamic views are the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), referred to as Sunnah, derived from authentic Hadith collections.

The Quran was revealed in the Arabic language and this is the only revelation of the word of God that survives intact and unpolluted. Prophet Muhammad explained the commandments of the Quran in his talks and through living by them, thereby becoming the true and authentic role model for humanity for all time.

Prophet Muhammad strongly advised young men and women to get married, as soon as they can afford to. The required age for marriage is when you reach beyond puberty and are physically mature.

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This rule does not specify any particular age in number of years. Any sexual relationship outside of marriage is forbidden in Islam. There are actually prescribed punishments given in the Quran for such acts. Islam also prohibits homosexuality.

Islam discourages divorce, but recognizes it as a necessity in certain cases. There are some rules of divorce and remarriage between the divorced parties. Divorced parties may get married to others. However, women must wait for some months before remarrying. This ensures that paternity of any child is clearly established.

Islam condemns abortion and equates it with murder. The only cases, which may be questioned, are where there is danger to the life of mother or to the life of the child or both. In such cases either abortion is allowed or not.

Both opinions are supported by evidence from the Quran and Sunnah. So, to summarize, abortion in general is not accepted, but in cases of danger to the life of the mother or the child, some scholars of Islam say it is allowed.

I hope this answers your question. Please keep in touch.
