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Wouldn’t We Worship God Better If We Could See Him?

A questioner ask if it will be better to worship God if we can see Him. Well, click to find out the answer here!

Live Sessions

How to Deal with My non-Muslim In-Laws?

Being in an inter-faith family isn’t always easy. Should a Muslim mother limit the time her non-Muslim in-laws spend with her children?Click!

Becoming Better Muslims: Path of Ihsan

When we have reached the level of “Ihsan” as Muslims, we have reached the level Allah wants us to be. But what’s “Ihsan”? And how does it impact on us?

Halal Things Can Be Distractive; Here’s How

It is not just the haram things that distract us from Allah. Sometimes we focus more on the love we have for the halal things much more than our love for Allah (SWT) and these are distractions. Ustadha Yasmin Mogahed explains why this happens. Watch to find out!